Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happily Ever After...

I have often been enthralled by a deep sense of harmony and peace that runs between some elderly couples. I have been affected just by passing them by on the street, or watching them in a restaurant, a wordless communication of love and care turns the ordinary simple acts like holding hands while sitting on a park bench or eating a meal together into a sacred expression of divine love. I believe that this has been an often inarticulate and almost dormant desire in many hearts, yet isn't this what we all hope to achieve when we say “I do!?” Now as my husband Todd and I are beginning to recognize this innate desire we both have of reaching happily ever after. Our intentions to create this in our life are transforming our home and marriage into the sacred refuge that we have been longing for.

Over the years we have created peace in our marriage in a hit or miss kind of way, but now we are coming into alignment as a couple and there is a power and strength in our bond that pulsates with an eternal unconditional love that is not of this world. I use to wonder how does two people achieve that level of harmony and peace that I had caught glimpses of in those elderly couples. Where did they get that kind of bond? Maybe those are soul mates I would think, or maybe high school sweethearts that just made a decision to put their love for each other before everything else. Was this their destiny or did they consciously set out to create this in their life? Had the years of weathering life’s storms in the shelter of each other’s arms revealed to them this gift of peace that seemed to embody them as One.

The sacred dance of the Twin Souls, some say this love is so rare that it doesn’t happen. My heart tells me differently in that it is our worthiness issues that prevent us from being completely transparent in our relationships. We hide from the light that illuminates our very own soul. We live in a state of anxiety and quiet desperation holding our breath and waiting for someone to come along to see who we truly are and tell us all about our magnificence because sadly we have forgotten...I am now truly grateful that I have learned what love was not in order to recognize what love really is. As I have remembered who I am as a spiritual being having a human experience, I have not needed to look outside of myself for someone to tell me who I am. My remembering of my soul has been in sync with my husband's remembering, although his experiences and journey have been very different then mine. The bonds of Spiritual Truth that tie us together as a couple are infinitely strong.

There are many initiation phases in the spiritual journey and in the marital journey, and it seems that just at that time our relationship has been ready to shed our old ego level bonds to expose the true strength that is illuminating from our united soul. Life decided to get extremely challenging and we would sabotage our relationship, in a futile attempt to hide the essence of who we truly are. I have often felt that the brighter the light begins to shine in our marriage the fiercer the dark forces of the world would conspire against us. Dealing with other's jealousy towards us because we were often "in love" and happy is a common theme we have encountered many times over the one time however we allowed other people’s jealousy and malice to influence our life for way too long. This possessive love that we have all been entangled in for so many years is starting to reveal its illusion. I know for myself that this fear based love no longer feels good at all nor does it fit into my definition of what I experience love to be. Todd and I have also been in a state of pain and confusion and have often sifted through the shrapnel that lay at our feet from having blown each other's hearts wide open. We now are celebrating a much deeper level of forgiveness in our life that is creating this immense peace and inner knowing that we belong together at this point in our human experience, and one look into each other’s eyes instantly dispels doubt...I wish the same for every relationship, that each person begins to take responsibility for their powerfully creative thoughts and feelings and set their intentions on consciously creating happily every deserve this too!


strugglebug said...

That was a beautiful piece of writing! Thank-you.
I am in the process of learning what love is not, being challenged to learn how to let go of the rot, and move on in order to find the things in life that allow my magnificence to shine through.
This morning I have been feeling particularly sad and alone about the truths I'm having to accept. Your words have made it a little easier to deal with.

Maggie said...

Thank you...I'm happy to hear that you are inspired. It is challenging to admit the deeper truths to ourselves at first. But once we start living from this sacred space within our hearts it does get easier and life gets richer and more vibrant and ends up being everything we make it out to be!