Monday, June 6, 2011

Close Your Eyes To See

I love experimenting with colours and lines and feeling things into being...Where my other pieces of artwork just flow from random scribbles I set out to draw a face in this one. So some technique was involved in layering the colours to deepen the eyes and after I completed it I was surprised to hear my inner critic say.  "Maybe my high school art teacher was wrong...maybe I do have some artistic talent." All these years a part of me believed that I was not talented in art in the traditional sense but creativity and artistic talent are two very different things...
Now I am an artist...and that's not something that I set out to do rather it is something I was born to be. I use to ponder the whole destiny thing and felt that concept slightly stepped on the toes of my free will. I do believe that we are born with a predisposition for deeply understanding certain aspects of divine knowledge and wisdom that lies deep within our own Soul's. In a way there are certain lessons that we have an energetic aptitude for creating and thus learning so we can inspire and connect with others in unconditional love. The secret is we have to close our eyes to see this purpose and beauty playing out deep within ourselves though...I'm not sure who said close your eyes to see but there is a lot of truth in that little quote...
I'm beginning to see that by applying my soul's deeper wisdom into my life it enables me to cut through the illusion of separation, freeing me from the constraints of my self created prison and pushing me forward  into experiencing the richness of the core of my Being.  Intellectually I know now that it is from this perspective that the magic in life can, will and does today as the emptiness of my paper asks to be filled...I celebrate the fact that the fullness of my heart has such a deep desire to express my love so passionately and freely into the world...if we were all to express our love so freely the whole world would lighten up and I have no doubt that we would inevitably stumble into our Joy!

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