Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Cleaning...

I spent the entire day yesterday spring cleaning, shredding papers, and purging literally thousands of snippets of inspiration that did not make it into full fruition...I am an artist and writer and to make it even more complicated I am a student and teacher of the process of creativity, not just on the paper but how that translates into our everyday lives. What I realized is that being a creative being is a messy is messy and that's okay. I'm celebrating this weekend that I can actually now get just as much enjoyment out of cleaning up as I do in making the mess. I have another Intuitive Whispers blog that I am laying to rest...I wish I could shred that too, and transform it into handmade paper for my artwork as that is the plan for the all the shredding I did yesterday. Instead I'm closing that account and moving here to this space, and my intentions are to discipline myself to undertake the daily ritual of honoring “time” in order to extract the nugget of gold or kernel of deep spiritual Truth in each of my creations and experiences.

I feel that I have been working at overcoming a whole lot of fear around expressing myself in this format for a while now...It's one thing to admit my craziness and inner chaos to myself, why the heck do I want to be sharing it with the rest of the world? I feel there is some truth in that the world wants to know whats going on deep inside of me just like I have a sincere desire to know what is going on inside other people.

I'm tired of the ego-level power plays and games. IMHO the world is being given an opportunity to grow up and humanity is still holding onto it's temper tantrumming toddler hood as we have not learned yet to Trust...We haven't learned to trust ourselves and the process of life itself. I'm not all doom and gloom though. I also see that a lot of people have progressed through this stage and have found a deep sense of peace and joy in their lives. If you made your way to this blog, I trust you are ready to experience life from a deeper perspective...and celebrate the fact that we can grow so deeply by being firmly grounded to the earth while touching eternity. I love this video Oriah Mountain Dreamer and John Mayer...and encourage you to read Oriah's words with your whole Being...Invite yourself to start trusting the wisdom of your own Soul to Say what you need to say! I welcome feedback...all kinds of feedback! I am a real person that likes to hear if I have touched you and I am longing to know your perspective on this whole human experience too...