Saturday, February 18, 2012

Eight Magical Years!

Eight years ago this amazing baby boy housing an extremely peaceful and wise Spirit landed right into my arms...Joshua's boundless and unbreakable connection to Source fills me with so much hope for the future.  He also fills those who are close to him with a vague sense that something is very different about him. I try not to get caught up in how others experience my children; all children are coming in enlightened! They are all, as are we miracles! We all need to lighten up and enjoy the unfoldment of their gifts more and allow them the freedom to express those gifts. In doing so we align with receiving our own Truth of what it means to be human. When we listen to and nurture our children's Souls we begin to understand our own Sacred Truth of what it means to be Spiritual Beings having human experiences...
Kahlil Gibran in his book The Prophet breathed life into the beautiful concept of "conscious parenting" over eighty years ago...

Your Children are not your children. 
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. 
They come through you but not from you,
and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. 
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts. 
You may house their bodies, but not their souls. 
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. 
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. 
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. 
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; 
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

So today I celebrate this amazing kid's life!!! I'm honoured that he decided to show up in this world and simply say, walk with me through this experience...I'm here to remind you that it really is a Limitless Infinite Fantastical Experience! I wish and hope and pray that in his moments of forgetting that I can be strong for him in my Spirit to gently remind him of his everlasting and unbreakable connection to Source!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Here are a bunch of the photos i promised you, I hope that they help portray a sense of this majestic bird to your readers!!!!!
Photograph by: David Gignac / Special to The Star, The Windsor Star
Recently a Great Grey Owl made a very long journey from up north to my neck of the woods in Southern Ontario. Leaving me to wonder why had this majestic creature blessed us with its presence? It certainly had cast a deeply enchanting magical spell on everyone including myself…
The first time I stopped to catch a glimpse of this bird, I was swept away with the excitement and energy as the power of this creature was intoxicating. I thanked it from the deep and still silence of my soul for making that long journey here. In my root chakra I could feel the struggle for survival that this bird had endured. I then started watching the people squealing with delight as it swooped and showed off flying from tree to tree.  “Oh My God! I’ve been waiting all my life to see this!” one woman shrieked. I could see this complete stranger’s soul in that moment so free flying with the owl as her feet danced on the ground below her. It literally took my breath away as I stood in this very magical world in awe and wonder of this bird’s fearlessness.
As I connected with the owl she spoke to the darkness in me, as she represents death, surrendering and letting go of the old and allowing room for the new.  I could feel with each flap of her wings how she brings forth wisdom out of intuition the power of her energy spoke so clearly to me and in that moment I understood with all levels of my being how she sees in the dark.   As I looked around at all the people in the crowd I wondered can they hear her message of death and resurrection. Can they hear the sacredness of what her energy is emanating? Do they realize that this just may be what has attracted them to her in the first place?
She swooped again and in the silence of my heart she whispered “Follow me!”  With my inner vision I could see my soul smile at her and I said “Yes! Yes! I will follow you Gaia and I will learn your ways and I will stay in tune to this beautiful planet and all of nature.” She stopped flying and landed in front of me and with her piercing vision she looked right into and through the eyes of my soul and said “My name is not Gaia, my name is Maya.” I watched my soul shape shift into my inner child and in that moment my physical body felt an eerie familiar shudder. I was scared to death and I felt so cold standing there as my bones were shivering, echoing, releasing a very deep story that I couldn’t hear beyond the pain of my loneliness…
With my inner vision I watched my inner child look into Maya’s eyes and say “Maya! As in illusion? You know Maya that whole 2012 thing is filled with so much sacred mystery and I don’t really understand it, all I know is it is causing so much fear in this world.  Maybe I shouldn’t follow you, as beautiful and powerful as you are, I honestly feel confused and very distrustful of you in this moment.”
As I tuned deeper into myself I could feel my solar plexus sinking into my root chakra…and it was ego level curiosity holding my mind together in that time and space reality.  What is going on here echoed in my very sober thoughts…All these powerful energies were within me above me below me and beside me creating such deep tension within that was surfacing as an extremely strong temptation to stray from my path, to throw caution to the wind and ignore my inner child. I allowed the chaos to do its job as my own Soul and body were clearly communicating to me that once again I had entered into the blackening phase in Alchemy, this is the first stage of the Great Work. As I realized that the wisdom of my own Soul emanated my own familiar waves of peace that enveloped me and quieted my mind.
As I gained my spiritual wits back I said “NO!” I know better then to stray from my path when I am in fear. For this is the only path I can navigate now with all its gods and demons and dark and enchanting forests, I know very well the torrential storms that stir up cesspools of poisonous waters that miraculously turn into my baptismal waters, and not to mention the bottomless pits and caves of despair, governed by trolls and dragons, angels and fairies. This path is the one that has cut and moulded and continues to shape my own Soul. My own path the same one that has comforted and fed me from the very essence of that which I am and have been for all of eternity, as my Soul has grown and realized myself to be the Spiritual Being that I am in this present moment right here, right now!
I continued to stand in the stillness and silence of my heart and watched my inner child speak to Maya with such honesty and sweet innocence. “I’m sorry Maya but my path is under my physical feet. I don’t know how to fly and I think it is best if I just admire your majestic presence from down here.”  She then swooped down closer to me turned her head and once again looked deeply into and through the eyes of my Soul.  I felt her poignant and powerful blessings of protection, wisdom, strength and courage. I thanked her and could physically feel gratitude pouring out of all levels of my Being like a divine hug warming my shivering bones as I fully accepted Maya’s embrace.
The reverberations of that experience stirred the very deep waters of my unconscious. I went  back to visit her almost every day as we were keeping a close eye on each other. She taught me so much about my gift of mysticism, sacred mysteries and the spiritual power and destructive potential that is contained within the power of ancient prophecies. I’m now inspired to share the wisdom and insights I have gained from remaining true to myself. With so many powerful and “new” energies here supporting us in expanding our consciousness it’s an easy time for the human Soul to get lost. Had I not ventured down the Spiritual Personality path and remained committed to the hard work that is involved in integrating and balancing the human and divine, my recent spiritual awakening could have easily crystallized into spiritual paralysis. I could have gotten stuck and became to afraid to grow any further…Fortunately I have learned to fly and this little Caeder has her wings, and the view of the world from up here is absolutely breathtaking!   


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Building The Bridge

Nothing in life is guaranteed and nothing is stagnant, we are all deeply connected and in the flow and movement of creation. In order to feel the exhilaration and joy as our life unfolds with passion and purpose beyond our wildest dreams we must learn to be perfectly still.  Until recently I thought I had a very deep understanding of what that stillness meant.  Conceptually I believe I did but there was so much distance between my knowing and feeling and I've realized that this is where I need to focus my intentions for living a peaceful life.  This is the bridge that I must build and love into existence by working on ceaselessly. There is no getting out of this and honestly there is nothing that brings me greater joy and peace to be involved with this beautiful work that my Soul signed up for...
I find it fascinating that a year ago I met up with an aspect within my Spiritual Personality called the Lyremer. The Lyremer is the Architect in the Spiritual Personality typing system and I wrote "The Lyremer within has graced my life offering me the gift of shelter when the winds of change have blown so fiercely. Fortunately the Lyremers are gifted in their ability to support us in building an inner temple that can remind us of our eternal connection to divine wisdom and our spiritual nature. I believe we all have within us a deep inner sacred space that can become our refuge in life’s moments of messiness and confusion. I am moved now deeply from the soul level to express the essence of who I am out into the world. In doing so I break the patterns of chaos and confusion with a silent and tender strength that comes from being vulnerable. One little seed of wisdom that I cherish is the blessing I have found in all of life’s negative experiences. It is the contrast in life that creates a deep desire and longing for peace.
The Lyremer reminds us that when we focus our awareness on what we want and gain clarity and gratitude for all that we have, we will begin to align with the Universe in manifesting our desires. Our desires beyond those of our false self or ego is what speaks to us in terms of the unfoldment of our gifts and talents; it is our desire that connects with the call from source to bring ourselves to the light and shine. This is the space the Lyremer guides us to design or co-create our life from. It our heart’s sacred space where passion dwells, and once we discover our passion we are given an invitation to walk into a deeper dimension of reality.
I feel comforted knowing that the architect will show up in our lives to teach us how and where to build a strong foundation for our true selves to settle. I am grateful that the Lyremers have the ability to see the patterns that play out in vibrant colours and sparkle brilliantly in Source’s light. They are very special people who can clearly see the radiant Truth shining beneath the surface within each soul. Most of us miss out on glimpsing this in others as we are conditioned to see the shadow that outlines and defines a person rather than the light of the True Self. The Lyremer within brings wisdom, clarity and focus into our life as they carefully design the blueprints and lay out the tools that we will need in order to construct a more soulfully connected and meaningful world."
I've been very actively working with the Lyremer within to learn how to read those blueprints that are constantly being updated. I've been mastering the tools needed to construct a bridge between my head and my heart to live my life more soulfully connected and experience a deeply joyful and meaningful world! The tools of my trade are colours and vibrations and this is what makes me heart and soul sing and dance to my very own expressive beat.
Intuitive Energy Artwork and Spiritual Personality are leading edge resources that are extremely valuable during this rapidly expanding shift in conciousness. A few weeks ago I couldn't understand why I felt so disoriented, anxiety ridden, and very spacey, but intuitively I felt that I had somehow started to resonate within the vibe of the illusory fear based world.  I "woke up into a nightmare" a very purposeful and powerful nightmare that has been going on in the figment of man's imagination for a very very long time and as purposeful and powerful as those experiences were...I know now what it means to have Soul level courage and conviction in my heart in order to say that I no longer choose to "fit in" and conform to the fear based misconceptions of the collective consciousness of humanity. 
I'm still re-grouping from the nightmare but I can feel myself getting Soul level stronger every day and beginning to dip my toes into the living waters of gratitude as I feel I'm once again coming into alignment with Source's vision for my life. I'm now so excited about building this beautiful bridge...I honestly don't know where it goes but I have a feeling it will be a very delightful surprise for all of us!