Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Letting Go...

There are so many things we hold onto in our life that keeps us firmly planted in the illusion of our separation. We often hold onto our careers and relationships out of fear. All the while our Soul is calling to us to move on as we cling to the familiar with everything we have. We can not see what is driving us to move forward in our life and what is on the other side of our obstacles. We stand on a daily basis with our hands clenched, our mind closed and our hearts guarded. Waiting on the defensive and often oblivious to how much energy we are using to be on guard....
Until one day we start to wake up and begin to wonder why we are so exhausted, angry and confused. We begin to peer deeply into the depths of our own heart and realize that we have deeply misunderstood what love is...It is at those moments when our consciousness expands that our whole world often seems to resist our new level of awareness and profound insights...this is not a dark night of the Soul rather it is the light of our own Soul beginning to shine so brightly that we now see the shadows on the walls of our own life. The contrast and choices of what we want and don't want become clearer...and from my own experience when we gain our clarity in the midst of challenges peace quickly flows into the heart calming the anger, and healing our wounds. Our fears never fully dissipate though, they serve the purpose of opening up the door for courage to walk in and take our hand to walk with us confidently into the unknown as that seems to be the direction that the Universe is always calling us to go...We can't grab onto the hand of courage with our fists clenched we have to be willing to let go of everything we have been clinging to stubbornly and tightly out of fear...

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