I just signed up for some art classes…and I have some mixed feelings about it. I’m worried about balancing structured techniques and free flowing creativity. Shifting from the left to the right side of my brain is a little tricky and I get stuck in the left analytical side so easily…I constantly catch myself muffling my intuition as I talk my way through an art piece, or life problem. I often pay far too much attention to the details and stop going with the flow in my artwork and in my life. I have a habit of living in my head and analysing my way through everything…Sometimes this serves me very well…and I do believe having the ability to look at things from all angles is part of the creative process...The darker side to this innate ability is I disconnect from my heart all together…my feelings seem to get in the way when I’m in my analytical mode and I become frustrated with myself…well actually my frustration is caused by all that mind chatter.
Fortunately life gets very boring rather quickly now when I’m not living authentically; and honouring my feelings by being true to my soul. I become very impatient and begin to believe that I need to look outside of myself to fill the void that’s causing the boredom. I find myself longing for inspiration, those soul defining winds of change to creatively blow through my closed heart…those winds don’t blow from outside though. The shift in energy from boredom to life affirming and giving creativity comes from tapping into the depths of my own soul…and allowing myself to expand in love, by stopping the mind chatter and feeling my truth in any situation…
I’m looking forward to those art classes…I think I’ll be just fine and I have feeling that the creative force within myself cannot be stifled…