Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Wisdom of Fall

I love the energy of Fall and I hear the cool autumn breezes calling me to crawl out of my air conditioned cave. Inviting me to come outside and breathe in the vibrancy of the earth.  Each year the trees whisper their wisdom into my heart, and I guess as I get older I become a little better at listening.  What makes me a better listener these days is I am able to let go of my judgements that use to prevent me from hearing at the soul level. 
As the seasons have turned and merged one into another weaving my past. I find I’ve returned to a very similar place that I left when I was in my childhood. I’m so inspired by the colours and the beauty that is everywhere I look.  Today in this moment the world is magical and I can see or maybe I just remember how we all contribute to the beauty of the world. At times we blend in and look very similar to each other, shades of the same colour shaking our leaves in the wind creating complex chaotic patterns within the shadows and light of the same hue.  Breathing in breathing out going about our lives just doing what we do. 
With childlike wonder and curiosity I’m attempting to grasp the divine thread that unravels my affinity for trees. I want to know Gaia’s secrets and how she paints the trees in those beautiful colours each fall that sing to my heart. As I try to figure it out I come face to face with my intellect as I know that it is a combination of bright light and excessive plant sugar in leaf cells that create the beautiful colours of fall leaves.  But how is that done exactly?  Is it the amount of rainfall we have had, or maybe it’s just the cooler temperatures? As I looked it up I was blown away to learn that the other important element needed for the leaves to change colour is darkness…the absence of light. Darkness in the autumn as the length of night increases affects the levels of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the stuff that makes the leaves green. As the nights become longer in the Fall the chlorophyll is destroyed.  Unveiling the other pigments in the leaves that produce the warm colours of the Fall palette…
As I think about the duality of our nature I hear the trees whispering to us a sacred reminder to bring balance into our life. As the sun is a symbol for the intellect, I can relate so deeply to this as my experience with the darkness does in a way destroy my intellect…pushing me out of logic and linear ways of thinking. As I’ve conjured up some pretty amazing illusions. I get stuck in them until things get so out of balance and I find myself enveloped in the darkness praying “God please help me I just don’t know, I don’t know anymore what is real and what is an illusion.” Three little words “I don’t know” surrendering my intellect opens up the door to the world of my spiritual imagination and intuition. We all have this world within us full of imagery and symbols encoded not just in our wiring but inscribed into each of our souls, and our heart has the power to translate the messages from Spirit that are found there. Like the bold and vibrant leaves of fall unveiling their true colours.  When we step out of our head’s long enough and into our hearts to submerse ourselves in both the light and dark we transform from ordinary trees that appear very similar into mighty oaks, majestic maples, and wise willows.