Friday, April 15, 2011

Focus On The Process

The seeds to the meditative process that I have stumbled into called Intuitive Energy Artwork were planted in me through many of my life experiences. Bits and pieces of wisdom and higher truths were freely given to me along the way. I've held these seeds close to my heart as they have made up my personal belief system. One of these seeds I found in college while studying curriculum development. Maria Montessori's approach to allowing children to focus on the process of their experiences and not be concerned about the final product was advocated. There was something profoundly true in that statement and I could see how that fit beyond the walls of the preschool classroom into all areas of my life..Focus on the process not on the product became my mantra for many years.

My artwork has helped me to realize so many soul lessons...

When I begin an Intuitive Energy Art piece I really don't know what image will come through and what the end result is going to be and this is exactly the place where creativity flourishes. Some people call this the void...It is not in the knowing and the certainties of life that we create, it is in the letting go of our ego level expectations and getting out of our own way so that Source can flow through and our Soul can lead us to our highest potential.

Through witnessing our inner dialogue that contains both the light and dark, those negative and positive thoughts that create our feelings. We can go into the darkroom within ourselves and become an active participant in the co-creative process. There is a sacred process of development going on deep inside of ourselves, and unfolds in perfection. As we gain clarity in our minds and feel peace in our hearts we can then feel balanced and start creating from this space in our life. So often we work backwards and try to achieve those things that we already are...Joy springs forth from us as we align with our own soul and cultivate our meaning and deeper purpose in life.  

Once we touch our deeper purpose we touch JOY! We can then rise above our earthly cares and embrace each other in truth and light. This deep connection that we all long for shows us the infinite possibilities that we have at our fingertips for experiencing heaven on earth...

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