Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Facebook Tribe...

Millions of people everyday bask in the glow of their monitors in an attempt to warm their befriending strangers. Gathering around to dance amongst the sacred fires of friendship. We now look to each other to "Like" our every thought and confirm our existence in each other's lives with a push of a button. 

I’ve spent most of my life trying to fit in with people I didn’t fit in with.  I compromised on my integrity for the sake of conformity and then wondered why I felt so broken.  Fortunately those days of not fitting in are few and far between. The positive energy that radiates the magical truth of my existence has seeped into all areas of my life dispelling the illusion of separation.  Something has shifted drastically in my heart and in my mind, my soul and my body feels it. This something is simply a miracle! Each person on this planet is a miracle, and I am deeply moved and now allow myself to be touched buy everyone I meet.  I believe we often take each other for granted and do not deeply appreciate the trials, tribulations and victories a soul has journeyed through in order to meet up with another soul. All of our interactions are sacred, and we are all simply in the process of fulfilling our own unique purpose in life, regardless of the level of awareness we have into how exactly that purpose translates into our daily living. Feeling our self worth and understanding our deeper meaning is crucial to our happiness and cultivating our Joy!
Facebook and other forms of social networking are helpful tools in both bridging the gap between people and creating more distance within our real life relationships. It’s so much easier to love your facebook friends then it is to love the people you live and work with everyday. As an Intuitive I also pick up on the pain behind the happy display pictures. Some days it's just as apparent as the pain I pick up on in the person standing in front of me, clearly annoyed and angry because they have to wait for their morning coffee. What do we do about this homesickness that is caused from being out of touch with our own Soul?
I guess it's not to hard to figure out the answer to that, we Facebook! My facebook tribe certainly offers unique experiences in my life and like yours I'm sure your tribe is made up of childhood friends, relatives,  co-workers and many people you will probably never actually meet. For some odd reason it is completely acceptable for us to approach complete strangers and ask them to be friends. No wonder it is addicting...didn't we all use to get a lot of excitement out of making new friends on the play ground when we were in Kindergarten...How much positive and negative energy is infused in that simple question "will you be my friend?" So powerful is our desire for friendship, for Love. That this desire fuels the stirrings in our soul and attracts all the people into our lives who provide us with everything we need in order to remember who we are on the spiritual level. 
But do we remember this when interacting with our Facebook tribe and we scroll our news feed. Do we really hear what is behind those polished and witty statuses, or the pretty display pictures and the cute photos? Do we see the person the unique individual with their own thoughts and feelings. How many of us really want to see the person who is just wanting someone to "Like" them. There is something very true and sad about facebook's reflection on humanity...
I guess we can only see really what others show us, and just like in real life there is so much more going on under the surface, and now behind the profile. I know in my tribe though...I see the leaders, the visionaries, the artists, the shamans, the "really pissed guy," the warriors, the children wounded and healthy. I see saints and mystics, mothers,  fathers, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters and the list goes on and on. But overall I have to admit I see everyday people trying to make a difference in the world, and I am truly inspired! I see you all in my little Facebook Tribe and thanks for dancing with me around the sacred fires of friendship as our souls connect beyond the monitor in order to create a better world.... 

1 comment:

Tracy Morand said...

Wow...I was reading your other blog when I spotted this one. Your thoughts are really inspiring, and very very real. I am rocked to the core, and to see even that this post was written on my birthday! I believe within my very being that this is all so incredibly true!! It is amazing to read what is coming from within, and if only we all could take the time to write down our REAL feelings in a blog or diary to be able to revisit it again in the future. This is wonderful!