Friday, May 6, 2011

Darkness Speaks

Every day we come face to face with powerful Spiritual Beings masquerading as humans. They come into our life and offer us an opportunity to embrace everything we passionately love and all that we have passionately rejected in our selves…These Souls lead us into the core of our very own joy and wounds.  We love them when we are in our joy and protest mightily and label them as the enemy when we can’t move beyond our suffering.  When the darkness comes I find it is extremely difficult to enter fully into the dark still silence of the night…I've recently uncovered my own old wounds and was surprised to see that they are still bleeding, I thought I just had scars left from the typical human journey. No, I have life giving energy leaking out of my's not something that I am really proud to admit but I don't believe that I am the only one. 

Darkness speaks to our hearts as much as the light does and it has so much to teach us…the messages I am hearing this time around as I face my own “dark night” is to be still and stop resisting.  Quite humbling the darkness is as it encourages me to give more attention and respect to the messages that come to me from the night…The wacky and senseless dreams that I tend ignore and often wake up feeling very resentful and annoyed with. I know I should stop fighting the messages the Universe keeps bringing to my attention and yet…my resistance as futile as it is has it’s own sweet and seductive power over me. I can feel my third eye rolling as I write this but that is my truth in this moment…
Quieting my busy mind and surrendering into the space of nothing moves me beyond my frame of reference and I can usually tap into peace pretty quickly...Instead for the last week I have been grappling with the darkness that stretches and pulls my reality like a piece of silly putty. The past is where this dark cloud has come casting shadows on my life as I allow the impression of the memories to move me. I'm starting to hear the voice of my soul encouraging me to let it go.  My soul is nudging me to feel a humble sense of surrender into the nothingness...I can feel my frustration building as I know this is exactly what I have to do in order to reach the centre of my Being and yet I can't honestly get there...maybe I'm trying to hard and to carry too much with me I should probably take my own advice and move out of my own way and just let it all go!

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