Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Reminder...

In a few days, a lot of creatures will visit your door. Be open minded. The child who is grabbing more than one piece of candy might have poor fine motor skills. The child who takes forever to pick out one piece of candy might have motor planning issues. The child who does not say "trick or treat" or "thank you" might be painfully shy, non-verbal, or selectively mute....If you cannot understand th
eir words, they may struggle with developmental apraxia of speech. They are thankful in their hearts and minds. The child who looks disappointed when he sees your bowl might have a life-threatening allergy. The child who isn't wearing a costume at all might have SPD or autism. Be kind, be patient, smile, pretend you understand. It's everyone's Halloween. Make a parent feel good by making a big deal out of their special child. ♥ Mike Topdog Croteau

I was very inspired by this facebook status that came up in my newsfeed...I worked for many years with children with challenges and I'm very grateful that I don't have to "pretend" to understand the children that come to my door. I see those little ones that are struggling to become comfortable in an uncooperative body. But beyond the labels and issues that we have put on children I always see them as Children first! When you really think about it even as adults we all have special needs...especially in the area of expressing what we are feeling deep inside of our hearts.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Direct Line

Sometimes in the early morning, childhood memories whirl through my mind. Magical and whimsical moments of playing.  A humble tin can telephone sums up where I am today in my spiritual journey. It's my own direct line to God/Source...Uninterrupted by all the static in the earth's electromagnetic field. No entangled etheric cords, or interference from those who are addicted to the rush of over amplifying their Chakras. My connection is a very simple line. This line runs from my heart that has opened wide enough for my Soul to embrace the Light and the reality of our infinite nature. The symbol for infinity is a circle or a figure eight...I no longer resonate with that as being true for me. As those are closed structures and I've been so done circling in the same patterns in this lifetime for years. The symbol that makes more sense to me now for  infinity is a free flowing line that goes on forever. 

Monday, October 22, 2012


Powerful images of duality flood my inner vision lately. The message is to simply remain centred and balanced within one's own core. To look within and tune deeper into your own wisdom. Listen to the voice of your own Soul. Hear the Intuitive Whispers that come not from your mind but from your heart... Unfortunately I see so much deception rising to the surface with this shift in consciousness. The spiritual dynamics that we have gotten our soul's tangled into down here can at times appear to be quite complex...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Work of My Soul

The work of my Soul has been to cut through many layers of illusion that have held me in separation from Source for lifetimes...I have found pieces of my Self in places so powerfully dark and cold that I never imagined even existed. The work my soul signed up for in this lifetime bring the words courage and faith to a whole new level. I have powerful Guardian's of the Light  watching over me. They shielded me from the darkness of this world since that first breath I took in this body. Now I work with them as I too hold within the divine template of my own soul the archetype for the Guardian's of the Light. I had to see and experience such darkness and process the role of the cosmic shadow in my own life to really get that there is no going back for humanity. We are evolving into a more expanded level of consciousness and with that comes purging of the denser and darker energies and more challenges and responsibility as Spiritual Beings co-creating our human experiences. 
Each person that has incarnated at this time is called to guard their own Light in a way. In order to do this we have to become so aware of our own wounds, and transparent and honest in all of our relationships. The depths of our wounds from the human experience are far greater then I personally wanted to see but  my Soul leads the way in my life and for that I'm deeply grateful. I have a quote on my desk from Oriah Mountain Dreamer..."I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty everyday, and source your own life from it's presence." It is only the eyes of an innocent child that could see the beauty and magic in this world. I haven't been looking through eyes of my own inner child lately. But recently when the sadness comes she whispers into my heart "Please don't grow up so much you forget all about me."  Without her energy and presence in my life I would be extremely bitter right now. 
Spiritual power comes from being Still and not getting pulled into other's disharmony and chaos. If we don't do our own inner work we fall prey to the shadow and will be used by the darkness for it's own agenda that perpetuates fear, separation, greed etc. True power lies in unifying, reconciling, merging together, and never separating...life separates, love unites. 
Our greatest strength and all power lies in allowing life to open our heart's so wide that Love and Light pours effortlessly through us dissolving the darkness. Each soul makes the journey through the dark in their own way. I see many people rising from the ashes of their own version of hell, only to be knocked back down even further a few weeks or months after they have risen. As painful and exhausting this journey is I know this is the only way we can bring forth a new depth of understanding of cosmic consciousness into this world.  I am inspired by all those who are awakened and still sleeping. We all keep moving forward playing roles in each other's lives as we walk together into the unknown. As we become more in tune to our own inner guidance and listen and honour that one clear voice, we literally begin to radiate peace with each beat of our human heart.  Even underlying the broken heartbeats we can feel our way through the pain and back into the harmony of the Universe.