Monday, June 27, 2011

Enigmatic Drawings

We have to be willing to let go of the life we had planned, in order to live the life that is waiting for us. This quote hangs above my kitchen door and is my daily reminder to not be attached to my plans. However some days I find myself still in the process of letting go of my old life. Those days are few and far between but every once in awhile my thoughts linger with the notion of regret, fortunately it seems to be that at those times I get an email, or a phone call and someone in the world has been touched by something I have written or drawn and the grey cloud of regret dissipates. This allows me to see that if had clung to the life I had I would not be inspiring others to the degree that I am today.
I’ve been blessed to meet up with another artist whose life changed overnight…His name is George and like myself he doesn’t have an art background. In the early nineties while in the midst of setting up his business empire and raising a young family he started to tap into his innate ability to remember and create profound images. Something very mystical is going on here...


In one of our conversations on creativity it became apparent the we both come to a place in trying to express ourselves that is beyond words...and that the desire to express is what opens the portal for the artwork to come through. In my initial contact with Enigmatic Drawings I felt moved to connect with the person behind the images and say thank you for sourcing these miracles. I felt compelled to let him know that his drawings are meant to spread through the world and speak to the people who are ready to embrace their message. That was a fully present moment of light and love pouring out of me…and I am very happy that I acted on that driving force of appreciation.

Enigmatic Drawings are profound images that are intriguing and very powerful. The reaction to George’s work varies greatly and the greatest lesson he has taught me is fear is still very rampant in this world. We want to know the origin of things in such a deep way that if what we are seeing right before eyes presents itself in such a way that we have “nothing” to reference the source, that invokes awe and fear in many people.
George has quite the journey ahead and as he has put it, “resistance to the artwork is futile, for at this point and yet again, my situation seems to evolve in such a way that any endeavours to do anything else in terms of a career or business project etc somehow and in the most extraordinary ways at times, seems to just dissipate forcing me back to the drawings.”

Given the tiny snapshot of George’s life that he has shared with me I feel that there has been a herculean effort on his part to try to get back to the life he had before his drawings...Don’t we all do that? We hold a miracle in our hand as we touch who we are in the essence of our being and in the next breath we fleet in the face of our own perfection…That was a few months ago, today I see George ready to lead the way for all of us to step into the essence of who we are.
Enigmatic drawings infuse the creative waters of our imagination with such a rich blend of spiritual sustenance. His drawings have the power to shake our grounded intellects as the winds of awe and wonder clear the air of our old judgments. It's a good thing as these fears no longer serve us in our spiritual evolution. Each time I immerse myself in the images I feel a growing curiosity and deep ineffable sense of wonder that feeds the glowing embers of my creative fires. Collectively we have all attracted the beauty that is found in these perfectly poised and symmetrical works of art. I feel my heart fill with an intensity of hope now as through the drawings I can touch the divine organizational intelligence behind these images that have come through in order for us to intuitively grasp who we are in the cosmic scheme of things.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Letting Go...

There are so many things we hold onto in our life that keeps us firmly planted in the illusion of our separation. We often hold onto our careers and relationships out of fear. All the while our Soul is calling to us to move on as we cling to the familiar with everything we have. We can not see what is driving us to move forward in our life and what is on the other side of our obstacles. We stand on a daily basis with our hands clenched, our mind closed and our hearts guarded. Waiting on the defensive and often oblivious to how much energy we are using to be on guard....
Until one day we start to wake up and begin to wonder why we are so exhausted, angry and confused. We begin to peer deeply into the depths of our own heart and realize that we have deeply misunderstood what love is...It is at those moments when our consciousness expands that our whole world often seems to resist our new level of awareness and profound insights...this is not a dark night of the Soul rather it is the light of our own Soul beginning to shine so brightly that we now see the shadows on the walls of our own life. The contrast and choices of what we want and don't want become clearer...and from my own experience when we gain our clarity in the midst of challenges peace quickly flows into the heart calming the anger, and healing our wounds. Our fears never fully dissipate though, they serve the purpose of opening up the door for courage to walk in and take our hand to walk with us confidently into the unknown as that seems to be the direction that the Universe is always calling us to go...We can't grab onto the hand of courage with our fists clenched we have to be willing to let go of everything we have been clinging to stubbornly and tightly out of fear...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Close Your Eyes To See

I love experimenting with colours and lines and feeling things into being...Where my other pieces of artwork just flow from random scribbles I set out to draw a face in this one. So some technique was involved in layering the colours to deepen the eyes and after I completed it I was surprised to hear my inner critic say.  "Maybe my high school art teacher was wrong...maybe I do have some artistic talent." All these years a part of me believed that I was not talented in art in the traditional sense but creativity and artistic talent are two very different things...
Now I am an artist...and that's not something that I set out to do rather it is something I was born to be. I use to ponder the whole destiny thing and felt that concept slightly stepped on the toes of my free will. I do believe that we are born with a predisposition for deeply understanding certain aspects of divine knowledge and wisdom that lies deep within our own Soul's. In a way there are certain lessons that we have an energetic aptitude for creating and thus learning so we can inspire and connect with others in unconditional love. The secret is we have to close our eyes to see this purpose and beauty playing out deep within ourselves though...I'm not sure who said close your eyes to see but there is a lot of truth in that little quote...
I'm beginning to see that by applying my soul's deeper wisdom into my life it enables me to cut through the illusion of separation, freeing me from the constraints of my self created prison and pushing me forward  into experiencing the richness of the core of my Being.  Intellectually I know now that it is from this perspective that the magic in life can, will and does today as the emptiness of my paper asks to be filled...I celebrate the fact that the fullness of my heart has such a deep desire to express my love so passionately and freely into the world...if we were all to express our love so freely the whole world would lighten up and I have no doubt that we would inevitably stumble into our Joy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spiritual Backbone...

Most of my artwork forms on my paper effortlessly, but other images like the one above seem to haunt me. Repetitively showing up in my inner vision, begging for my attention. I know that when this happens it's important to pay attention to my inner dialogue and musings. As I am being given profound answers to my Soul questions that I have held onto sometimes for many years if not lifetimes...These Spiritual images I see in my spiritual imagination are so profound and they seem to weigh more leaving a deeper emotional imprint on me then the visual stimuli coming at me from my external world.
I use to worry that I was crazy and now that I have accepted myself...I've realized that there is nothing wrong with my visions or thinking I am just a peaceful and powerful Creative Being! I also have taken the pressure off of myself because I know now that Source waits patiently for me to express the essence of  my "in-sight" and to contemplate deeply on the message that Spirit is bringing to my attention. I am the one that becomes impatient with my illusory inability to express the essence of who I am...
A while back I journeyed with the Spiritual Personality typing system, and had the opportunity to meet up with 12 aspects within my own personality that lead me to discover deeper and higher spiritual truths.
With each SP blog entry I had the opportunity to tune into my own Intuitive Voice which is a silent voice that seems to originate between the space between my thoughts and I feel the energy of this voice in my heart as being the truth for me in any moment. It is sometimes so hard to hear though...I have no one to blame for this as I'm the one being too busy whining, crying and often temper tantrumming I forget to breathe properly and let go of my thoughts in order to discern the voice of my soul...There is a beauty to my inner life that is so vibrant and powerful and I believe this is the space where I can tap into the raw energy of my creativity that feeds and fuels everything in my life. We all are apart of this powerful energy and I now understand this to be the backbone to my Soul...I still resist at times God/Source's unconditional love but I find humour now in my ego's moments of self righteousness and unwillingness to surrender and get out of the way...Trusting in the process of life and allowing things to unfold is so hard for me to do...and yet somehow I keep doing just that, through attracting the most amazing people, and things like Spiritual Personality into my life that inspires me to dig deeply into my own heart, mind and soul and to trust what is there...